App Review – DocuSign Ink
Today’s App Review is DocuSign Ink by DocuSign.
Although digital signatures have been around for years I have never had a use for them until recently. When I suddenly needed one I didn’t know where to start but knew I wanted an iOS App due to it being easier to sign on a device than on a computer. That is when I discovered DocuSign Ink.
DocuSign has a lot of functionality. You start off with creating your signature. You can create a signature in blue, black or red ink. The signature can be edited at any time.
Once created all you have to do is decide what document you want to sign. You can sign photos from your camera roll or take a photo, you can also import documents from Google Drive, Evernote, Salesforce, Box, Mail and DropBox which is a great accessible feature. If there are other Apps you can give it permission to access them too. After retrieving and signing a document they can be sent right back to wherever they came from with the added signature of course.
You can link your signature with your contact details so it is an all in one, accessible, user friendly bundle.
In-app purchases give you the option to add more signatures to the App. It is always free to have one and if you want to add extras they are 89cent each which is reasonable.
I have been using this App without any issues for several weeks now. Although digital signatures may be traditional used for work documents the App is also great if you want to add your signature to a photo you took.
The App is free and well worth it if your after a reliable App and you can download it from HERE.