App Review – Paint Tester.
Today’s App Review is Paint Tester by Luminant Software. For anyone that has ever decorated a room the progress usually begins with multiple splotches of different colours all over the wall trying to figure out what is right. It is ok when you know the general colour you want but if not the test colours could line up like a rainbow on your wall. This App makes the initial process easier. All it does is take a photo of your room and then you use the paint feature to pick your color and give it a try. It is handy because the room you see is what you get. The color can be added using a fill or paint brush and you can decide to use more than one color at a time as well. You are probably wondering how you then know if the colour is the right one compared to the bucket of paint in your paint shop. Well the App gives you the RGB percentages so you should be able to find one close enough or mix one up. It would be handy if the App did contain major paint brands but logistically this could be a nightmare trying to make it accessible internationally and also because paint colours change each season so the RGB indicators are definitely the best solution.
So if your thinking about redecorating anytime soon forget about buying those testers and download this free App HERE.