New apple iPhone app threatens internet security.
A new apple iPhone application released just last week sets out to compromise security on eircom networks nationwide.
Providing a secure network unlike some other network operators eircom customers have up until now been able to rest assured that even if someone is outside their house in a car they cannot log in and use their network.
This new application called Denshi Blue threatens all this. For just €1.59 any iPhone/iPod touch user can get an app which will not only list eircom networks in the locality but also the network code to login.
A sceptic myself I refused to believe this was possible even after various user comments and a quote from The Irish Times themselves who stated “The Irish Times yesterday downloaded dessid and was able to get the password for an Eircom network used for testing in our offices”.
The only way to end my disbelief was to download the app myself and for €1.59 it was worth a go (a small price to pay for many hackers or even amateur hackers out there)
So what does this mean? It means that a stranger can use your network. Not only this but they can even change your network settings and access any files on your system. In the wrong hands this could be very dangerous. I wonder how many banks or even government offices out there use eircom? This is something I am not willing to find out but others may be more daring.
The disclaimer for this states that in eircom’s own words “a wireless network can never be 100% secure”. So does this make it right?
Personally the only thing I am going to do with this app is delete it right off my phone but others may not. Should it be legal? I think not, so as some comments say “grab it while you can”!
Eircom reminded customers to upgrade their settings and visit for details of how to do so.