Re-Evaluating Digital Technology to Enhance Learning
For those of us that use technology a lot in our classrooms we often take it for granted that we have the chance to use this technology. There is also that sense of confidence that we know what we are doing and we can often forget that others are only just starting to use technology.
When I was offered the opportunity to take part the ERAMUS funded Re-Evaluating Digital Technology to Enhance Learning Project I jumped at the opportunity. What sold this to me was not the fact that it was about technology but that the co-ordinator stressed that it was not just an opportunity to show off the tech that each of the schools had.
The project took place with partner schools from 🇮🇪🇷🇴🇹🇷🇪🇸🇩🇪🇱🇹. The first meeting I was invited to was in Bacau, Romania. This meeting focused on the learning styles that students have. At this meeting I presented on the learning styles as well as Apples Elements of Learning. This was a valuable week for my personal professional developed and helped me analyse my own use of tech in my classroom.
The next meeting took place in Talavera De La Reina, Spain a few months later. This time I presented on creating digital books and also on augmented reality. This meeting was even more valuable as some of my students had the opportunity to attend also and presented their experiences of creativity, accessibility and coding in the classroom. It was great to see them share these experiences with students from our partner schools.
What this experience has taught me to date is that technology needs to have a purpose and while of course I know the purpose sometimes that needs to be outlined for others in order for them to understand.
The RED project will continue for another year and I look forward to the eventual outcomes.